Friday, October 5, 2007

Mr. Stern

Poor David Stern. First little known referee from Lehigh Tim Donahue ruins the credibility of the NBA and every game that he has refereed and now highly profiled coach Isaiah Thomas of the New York Knicks has been ordered to “pay 11.6 million dollars to a former team executive who endured cruel insults and unwanted advances from the coach.” ( I think that was the last straw the broke the camels back for David Stern. This has probably been the worst year Publicity wise for the NBA. David Stern when he first came in the league the NBA was on a downward spiral and he then did an incredible job to vastly expand the NBA. You just can’t happen to help feeling bad for the guy because none of these issues have involved him specifically and yet he still gets blamed for them because he overall represents the league. Although David Stern is trying extremely hard to repair the image I believe that he needs to take stricter action against Isaiah Thomas to make an example out of him to send a message to everyone in the NBA that negative behavior will no longer be tolerated. I also believe that David Stern should go and talk to Roger Goodell of the NFL and see how he handled all the negative situations that went on in the NFL to gain knowledge. Overall I believe David Stern needs to lay down the law and show everyone who is boss just like he did when he first started out in the NBA.

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